Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (November 24)

Nicolas and his new friend Pat
learning to play the guitar

playing with the head lamp

Missed Day (November 23)

Another missed day...sheesh this is hard! Today I was very tired (after going to Black Friday in Plattsburgh). I fell asleep on the couch at 9 and slept for 12 hours!

Farmer's Fields (November 22)

Farmer's Field in the Fall

Friends (November 21)




Playing with Aperture (November 20)

Taken in the evening with only the over sink light on...aperture...amazing! 

Milk Moustache (November 19)

If you give a mouse a cookie he's going to  ask for a glass of milk...

Missed Day (November 18)

The Burgundy Lion (November 17)

Happy Birthday, my love!
I love this picture of you looking so happy! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

A photo shoot (November 16)

Blow you a kiss. (mouah!)

We did a photo shoot this afternoon
Nicolas, you're so cute! Mama loves your cute little face so very much! 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

finished projects +a fast car (November 15)

He's serious about racing
Bunting for the Mr & Mrs 

table runner

The ring bearer's pillow

You have to look closely at the tree to see that it's personalized
I finished working on the projects for my far-away friend. Since it was a beautiful day we decided to head out to the deck to get some shots outdoors and take advantage of the beautiful autumn weather.

Why you should pre-wash fabric (November 14)

This is why you should pre-wash burlap fabric
I spent hours ripping out the stitches 

Missed day (November 13)

The challenge is a photo a day for a year...and I already missed a day. I could cheat and put a photo in this place, but I think I'll leave it was a busy day. We had play group, lunch with friends and then a lawyer's meeting about the adoption. The day got away from me.

Sewing (November 12)

Sewing Tools
Working on some projects for a friend getting married in a far off land

Pit stop in Venice ( November 11)

Sunset in Venise en Quebec
On the drive home from Vermont, we stopped 
in Venise en Quebec. The sunset was spectacular! 
I especially loved the black of the trees against the sunset

happy anniversary to us (November 10)

Lake Champlain

Church Street, Burlington, VT

My Love 

My Love and I took advantage of our anniversary weekend. We've had Nicolas for 14 months now and so we decided to go away for the first time since last September. We had a nice time in Burlington. We did a lot of shopping then headed to Sweetwaters for dinner. Sweetwaters makes a mean Long Island Iced was a good thing that our hotel was in walking distance of the restaurant. 

We determined that we need to do this more often

Bedtime (November 9)

Our little sleeping angel 

Oscar settling down for the night
(while secretly hoping we'll let him out so he could sleep with us)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The wedding bunting (November 8)

Love it! 

for Kim
Crafted in an evening

My Babies (November 7)

Our Little One catching some Z's

Our curious Oscar
(I love how his eyes are in focus but his nose isn't)

13 (November 6)

Thirteen years, my Love

Coffee and dessert at a favorite spot...a rare date  
since we welcomed our Little One last year

Love you

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Red Mitten (November 5)

On the cusp of our 13th anniversary, 
we bought a new camera and 
our challenge to ourselves is one photo a day for a year. 

Today we had our first snow of the year, 
Nicolas, you were so excited! 
You asked Gram-Gram to put some snow 
in your hand so that you could show it to Mama!